North Carolina’s universities are extremely successful in attracting federal research dollars to the state. Reported in the most recent National Science Foundation (NSF) annual Higher Education Research & Development (HERD) Survey, the Triangle area universities, taken together, performed $3 billion in research during fiscal year 2019.
On April 8th, Sandy Williams, Duke’s Vice President for Research and Innovation, joined senior research leaders from North Carolina State University, North Carolina Central University (NCCU), the University of North Carolina – Chapel Hill, and the North Carolina Department of Commerce Science, Technology and Innovation Office for “The Impact of Federal Research Investment: Research Triangle Region of North Carolina.” The virtual roundtable discussion showcased the impact of those federal investments to the state of North Carolina and beyond.
Williams, along with his colleagues, provided a high-level overview of the Triangle research enterprise, beginning with a few examples of past federal investments that are impacting North Carolinian’s today, including previous funding that helped build capacity for the quick development of a vaccine for COVID-19. The panelists also noted the multiple public-private partnerships that support innovation in the state and collaborations between the universities, from research projects to joint programs and centers to shared resources and facilities, that further strengthen the region’s research and innovation ecosystem.
Staff from several congressional offices and committees were in attendance, including those representing members of the North Carolina delegation.