The research programs of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) seek to expand the knowledge base in medical and associated sciences in order to enhance the Nation’s economic well-being and ensure a continued high return on the public investment in research.
NIH Funding Overview:
FY 21 Expenditures: $524 million
Selected Research Currently Support by NIH at Duke University
Duke University is home to one of the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences Superfund Research Centers. The Duke SRC focuses on impacts of early, low-dose exposure to environmental contaminants on developmental process. In addition to conducting research in area, the SRC works with communities across North Carolina to help identify and mitigate exposure risk through its Community Engagement Core.
Professor Tyson Brown leads Duke’s Center on Health and Society, which promotes an interdisciplinary approach to the study of health disparities. The center is home to the NIH-funded Study of Longevity and Stress in African Americans (SOLSAA), which investigates biopsychosocial factors that shape health outcomes among older African Americans.
Professor Nimmi Ramanujam and the Duke Center for Global Women’s Health Technology work to develop transformative technologies to help prevent, diagnose and treat cancer for women in low-resource settings. To date, two companies formed have focused on breast and cervical cancer screening imaging products and three social innovation programs have been created to increase awareness of cervical cancer prevention and address inequities in reproductive health across the globe.
Under the direction of Professor Heather Stapleton, the Duke Environmental Analysis Laboratory provides expert advice and technical assistance to NIH-funded scientists conducting environmental health or environmental epidemiology studies. The lab also works to develop more accurate methods for measuring contaminants found in samples of water, soil, air, dust and other materials collected in the field.
Professor Brian Hare and the Duke Canine Cognition Center host a first-of-its kind “puppy kindergarten” that will help test different rearing techniques on behavior and cognitive development of dogs during the critical period of brain development between 8 and 20 weeks. The results will help advance appropriate training protocols to increase the pipeline of assistance dogs for people in need.